Dianne Hales
California, author of La Bella Lingua. My Love Affair with Italian and Mona Lisa: A Life Discovered.
My highly recommended guide over, around and through Venice was Cristina Gregorin, a cultural heritage expert with Slow Venice and a font of knowledge about the city’s history, arts and varied delights. Cristina brought back to vivid life the men and women who once walked Venice’s calli and sailed its laguna, people a historian once described as “magnificent by their very nature.”
Andante Travel, Salisbury
Thank you so much a brilliant guided tour of St Marks Square and the Carpaccio frieze in the Scuola degli Schiavoni. We all very much enjoyed it as you were so passionate about the 15th century history of Venice. We were entranced!
Angela, Andante Travel, UK.
Bellini Travel, London
We very much enjoyed the visit to the Doge’s Palace. Christina was great and clearly extremely knowledgeable and it was pretty special to be on there on our own.
Edward, London
We particularly liked Cristina who was lovely and knew her stuff down to the details of Donna Leon and where Brunetti lives and works which amused us all. The visit to San Marco was utterly magical and the organ recital was stunning, what a combination, and to be alone in that extraordinary Basilica was something that we will all remember forever.
Camilla, Paris
International Seminar Design, Sarasota
"Cristina always impresses our art museum groups with her excellent knowledge and interesting presentation, and her particular specialization in modern and contemporary art truly sets her apart. She has become our "go-to" art guide in Venice."
Jordan Cook, Director of Marketing
Road Scholars Abroad, Boston
"Our daily lecturer was exceedingly well prepared for all aspects of this program. Her visual components were very engaging. She was able to answer questions with considerable depth. Her style of speaking English and sense of humor were quite charming."
Christine, CA
"First of all, thank you Cristina, our charming and extremely knowledgeable lecturer. You made this trip of Venice, a crazy and magical city, one that we will never forget."
Priscilla, MA
Other guests...
Stanford Alumni; National Geographic Expeditions; Cantor Center of Art at Stanford University, National Trust for Historic Preservation, American Express Travel Insider; Trading Place International; Homebase Abroad; National Library of Israel.