Die Künstler der Renaissance: Bellini, Tizian und Tintoretto in der Frari Kirche und in der Scuola di San Rocco
“Too bad the Venetians never learned to draw”, said Michelangelo of the great Titian, who painted on the canvas directly without first sketching his images, which was in Tuscany the more common practice. During the course of this itinerary, you'll hear more captivating details about the artists’ lives and methods, as you view works of the most celebrated Venetian masters of the 16th century.
In the church of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, admire the soaring Titian Assumption and his Pesaro Madonna, works characterized by intense warm hues that are so typical of his art.
In the Pesaro chapel the Madonna with Saints by Giovanni Bellini, expresses both the spiritual values of the time, and the political loyalty of the Pesaro family (one of whom was also a Doge), that commissioned the painting.
In der naheliegenden Scuola Grande di San Rocco, Sitz der gleichnamigen Bruderschaft, deren Mitglieder sich der Pflege von Pestkranken widmeten, werden wir mehr über die dramatische und visionäre Stimmung der Malerei von Tintoretto erfahren. Er hinterließ hier einen der bedeutendsten Gemäldenzyklen des Italienischen Manierismus.