Accademia Gallery - Slow Venice

500 Jahre venezianische Malerei: die Gemälde-Galerie Accademia

The Accademia Gallery hosts the world’s richest collection of Venetian paintings, ranging from the 14th to the 18th century.

Follow the development of Venetian’s art starting with the late Byzantine-era wood paintings of Paolo Veneziano; continue to the storytelling works of Gentile Bellini and Carpaccio, rich with lively details of 15th and 16th century Venice; experience the sometimes massive works of Venice's greatest Renaissance masters, including Giovanni Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, Lotto, Veronese and Tintoretto. Moving on we see that the 17th century was not a period of the greatest Venetian art. However that would change in the 18th, when Tiepolo, Canaletto and Guardi would take it to new heights of color and mood.
